70cm Analog Repeater


Output Frequency 444.500 MHz
Input Frequency 449.500 MHz
PL Tone (in/out) 131.8/131.8
Repeater Model Motorola MSF10000
Output Power 110 Watts
Height ASL 750 ft
Height above Ground 130 ft
Duplexer Sinclair SD445-4
Antenna Hustler G7-440, 6dB Gain
ERP ~275 W
IRLP Node 4319

Motorola ID Database

The club makes extensive use of Motorola radios and their associated ID features. A maintained google doc of all user’s IDs for MDC, Astro, and TMS IDs is maintained and is available to view below. To request an ID, please contact a club officer for access to the shared drive.
Motorola ID Spreadsheet


Sometime in the 1980’s, Dave Chasey (then WN9NBT, now N9FN) secured the donation of a GE repeater for the club (firebottle vintage). It was re-crystalled for 444.500 (-) and installed in the elevator penthouse in the Hawkins Graduate house next to the 146.76 repeater. We are still digging through the club records to determine when it was installed and when it finally died.

The MSF10000 440 MHz repeater was donated by Motorola (along with the 2 meter repeater) in 1994. It took some time for the club to get the site and the machine properly configured, and it was put on the air in 1995.

A brief outage occurred in 2015 due to the common MSF “tin whisker” VCO failure mode. Thanks to N9DKI, the outage only lasted a semester and the club’s workhorse repeater was back on the air by 2016.

